
The Fusion Party strives for a free, fair, and innovative society for current and future generations, with meaningful work to meet the critical social and ecological challenges of our times.

Fusion's approach is to empower communities and to foster deliberative democracy across our society.

A grassroots movement with big ideas


A woman in the Blue Mountains
Personal Liberty
A glistening silicon wafer
Two rainbow lorikeets flying amongst ferns and eucalyptus trees
Ecological Harmony
Placeholder image for the value 'Environment'
Placeholder image for the value 'Environment'
Ethical Conduct
Two teenagers with uneasy anticipation
A woman at a blue plasma portal

People like you

That's who can change the future − voters who want what's best for Australia, and are prepared to take action.

Coat of Arms of Australia
House of Representatives
Ballot Paper

Electoral Division of Dunkley

Number the boxes from 1 to 8 in the order of your choice

How voting for a minor party maximises your vote

A Sankey diagram showing voter flows

Preferential voting allows society to compromise and choose someone who is the least hated. There are other systems of voting − imagine if each of us could only choose one party from the list. Then we run the risk of choosing someone unpopular, and missing out on having our say about the final two candidates.

That's the way it is in the US, and they get locked into having two parties whose supporters inevitably grow to hate each other.

It's good to have more parties: it allows more ideas to be be pitched 💡💫

In preferential voting, we get to have lots of parties − if you happen to vote for a party who ends up coming last, it doesn't matter; your vote gets reassigned to whoever you wrote as number 2. Then the next party gets eliminated, and the votes get reassigned again, as we see in the Sankey diagram above.

At each step, the votes still add up to 100 − anyone who voted yellow doesn't suddenly have their vote go missing.

Notice that if you want a say in the final showdown (the last two parties), then whether you put them as your first two preferences or your last two, it still has the same effect. 📊

So even if you want Liberal or Labor to win, if you actually put them first, you're missing out on fully having your say. Even the most rusted-on Liberal and Labor supporters would admit that they might like to change a policy here and there; maybe add something that's missing. The parties themselves change their policies every few years, so would it be a sin to be one step ahead of them, asking for a change?

By voting for a minor party first and a major party later, you're able to convey "sure, this is the major party I prefer. But I wish they'd legalise cannabis. I wish they'd give some more justice to animals. I wish they'd put more effort into ensuring Australia is a place for big ideas and not just a place to dig things out of the ground." 🔬

As more people switch to newer parties, everyone else sees the increase in votes, and they become more likely to vote for these parties themselves, in a virtuous cycle. It has to start somewhere; and if you choose to be ahead of the pack, you'll be making your future self proud. 🔮

A cute, tiny planet A cute, tiny planet

Let's stop and actually reverse global heating

Fusion is a signatory to the Climate Rescue Accord − a joint effort across multiple parties to reduce emissions to near zero across all sectors; to remove excess CO2 from the air; and to reflect enough radiation to cool the climate to safe levels.


Bold ideas for a modern Australia

  • Climate Rescue
  • atom
    Future Focused
  • Education for life
  • Ethical Governance
  • Drug Legalisation
  • Fair + Inclusive Society
  • Individual Freedoms
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Ecological Restoration
  • Civil + Digital Liberties
  • Secular Humanism
  • Fair Foreign Policy
  • Anti-Ageing
  • Nuclear Power