National member count

Members by state (compared)

Note: the number of members required for state party registration varies by state, but to ensure a successful attempt a safe benchmark is 50% more than the amount required. Alternatively, the party can skip the membership requirements by having an elected state politician declare party affiliation. Per state the amount needed is:

  • NSW: 750
  • VIC: 500
  • QLD: 500
  • WA: 500
  • SA: 200
  • NT: 200
  • TAS: 100
  • ACT: 100

Members by state (stacked)

Monthly donation tracker (all)

The following historical events occurred which are likely responsible for the spike in donations:

  • 2022 March-July: Federal Election campaign
  • 2023 April-May: Aston by-election campaign
  • 2023 January: End of year donation drive
  • 2023 July: End of financial year donations

Monthly donation tracker (recurring only)