Party Name Review Working Group

This working group is open to all Fusion Party members (not sure if you're a member? Email [email protected] for any questions).

People working around a desk with laptop and notepad

Fusion is reviewing its party name. Submissions for alternative names were sought from 27th October to 30th November, through this form.

Our name going forward should be one that gives us a solid public identity as we invest in our voter recognition and ultimately their vote.

How will the party decide its name?

All submissions will be considered by a working group of party members according to this process.

RSVP below to express interest in joining. We hope to have wide representation of our membership in this working group.


December 18, 2022 at 4:00pm - 6pm (NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS timezone)


Online (RSVP for the Zoom link)


Petar Johnson ·

Will you come?