Annual General Meeting 2022 - rescheduled

The upcoming Annual General Meeting of Fusion Political Party is held in accordance with the constitution of the association and with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

Date and time

4:00 PM (AEDT) Sunday 6th November 2022

Please note: this meeting has been rescheduled from 23rd October. You can watch the full discussion from the 23rd on Youtube.

Location and participation

Online using Zoom

The meeting will have a waiting room enabled. Please set your display name to your real name, so we can verify your identity and let you into the meeting.

If you cannot attend, you can nominate another Fusion member as your proxy, to vote on motions on your behalf. Please ensure your proxy knows that they will be voting on your behalf. Proxies received for the original AGM will be automatically accepted for this meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • Welcome
  • Motions as below
  • Committee election results
  • General business
  • Close

Substance of Motions

1. Confirmation of minutes

"That the minutes of the previous Special General Meeting of Fusion Political Party held on 10 April 2022 as made available to all members, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting."

Refer to Minutes of Special General Meeting held on 10 April 2022 (PDF).

2. Accept Financial Statements

"That the Statement of Accounts for the financial year ending 31 July 2022 be approved."

Statement of Accounts to be presented at Annual General Meeting.

3. Special Resolution to amend the constitution

"That the amendments proposed to the RULES OF ASSOCIATION for Fusion Political Party Constitution v1.1 be accepted in their entirety."

Refer to FUSION_Constitution_V1.2_for_approval (PDF) and Summary of Constitution Amendment Proposals (PDF).

Moved by: Roger Whatling
Seconded by: Andrea Leong

4. Subscription and Joining Fee

"That the joining and annual membership renewal fee be increased to $20, allowing for exceptions to be granted by the Secretary or Executive Committee."

Committee Elections

Election of Committee members is underway via secret ballot.

All members should have an email from OpaVote with voting instructions, sent late on the 23rd or early 24th October.

If you can't find it, please check your Spam folder. If you still can't find it, please email [email protected] for a re-send.

See all current nominations for the Executive Committee here.

Further Information

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

Thank you for your support!


November 06, 2022 at 4:00pm - 6pm (NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS timezone)



Will you come?