Monthly Members' Meeting
This June, we'll be having 5-minute ⚡ lightning talks ⚡ from our members, about political issues important to them.
There are a broad range of expertise across our branches, and a strength of Fusion is our ability to combine our different backgrounds − so if you have some deeper insight to share, please email us to join the schedule: [email protected]
A preview of some of the speakers:
- Owen Miller: How Bad Software Threatens Our Society
- Dr Andrea Leong: Cellular Agriculture
- Miles Whiticker: Fusion is a Metamodern Political Movement
- Mark Miller: Challenges for the Energy Transition
- Sundance Bilson-Thompson: Transport Cycling and the Social Harm of Helmet Laws
- Angus LP: Cannabis Driving Law Reform
- Tyrone D'Lisle: An argument for lifting the ban on nuclear energy
- Kammy Cordner-Hunt: The unaccountability of corporations in the commitment of human rights abuses (from her Masters in Human Rights thesis)
And many more!
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 860 9992 7962
Passcode: 458220
June 05, 2024 at 7:00pm - 8pm (NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS timezone)
Owen Miller ·