Welcome to Fusion's first regular newsletter! This monthly newsletter will keep you up to date with campaigns, news and events for our growing party.

Fusion will also hold monthly online meetings for members and supporters. There will be in-person meetings too.

The first of these meetings will be on Thursday 16th June at 7pm AEST – read on for details.

Election results

The first two weeks of government since the election have been encouraging. There is still so much to fight for, but we are in a much better position to fight from now.

Labor has promised to scrap mandatory cashless welfare and advocates a minimum wage increase, but has no plans to raise Jobseeker. We want a guaranteed income above the poverty line for all Australians.

They say they want 43% emissions reduction by 2030 but approved a new gigantic gas mine proposed by a major donor. Our plan for a rapid transition away from fossil fuels does not allow new extraction projects.

The new Education Minister is 'not interested' in a culture war over the national school curriculum, but federal funding is still used to employ religious chaplains in public schools.

Monthly meeting

At our first monthly members' meeting, we'll look at recent federal election results and what we learned from the campaign.

When: Thursday 16 June, 7–8pm AEST
Where: Online (RSVP below for the Zoom link)
RSVP here: https://www.fusionparty.org.au/meeting20220616

Get involved

As always, you can help raise Fusion's profile by following us on social media and sharing our content. You can also join our Discord community (instructions here: https://www.fusionparty.org.au/events).