Two more parties have formally endorsed the Climate Rescue Accord

Along with Fusion, the Animal Justice Party and the Australian Progressives have formally endorsed the goals and objectives of the Climate Rescue Accord.

The Fusion executive unanimously endorsed the goals and objectives of the Climate Rescue Accord in September 2023. Fusion has developed a comprehensive policy suite that underpins the 3Rs and the Accord’s goal. 

The Climate Rescue Accord started last June as a conversation on climate policy between individuals from four different minor parties, including Fusion. 

The purpose of the Climate Rescue Accord is to help initiate the required action to stop global heating, maximise survival, minimise suffering, and set a course to restore a safe climate so people, animals, and ecosystems can flourish.

The Reason Party was the fourth party represented in the Accord working group. Reason was set to endorse the Accord but unfortunately, the Reason Party disbanded last month (January 2024).

The 3Rs

The Accord working group understands that the path to stopping and reversing warming depends on what has come to be known as the 3Rs: reduce, remove and repair.

  • Reduce fast to zero emissions. 
  • Remove Drawdown excess greenhouse gases to reduce concentrations.
  • Repair - Active cooling - urgent R&D into immediate cooling strategies such as solar radiation management. We have left it too long for Reduce and Remove alone to prevent runaway warming.


The Accord scope of work

Vote Climate One, a National climate candidate scorecard, has committed to weighing candidates or their parties on policy positions supporting the 3Rs. 

The working group through 2024 will be:

  • Building comprehensive suites of policy options that underpin the 3Rs, allowing where possible for different political value sets.
  • Reaching out to other parties, independents and environmental NGOs to endorse the goals and objectives of the Climate Rescue Accord.

Fusion is staffed entirely by volunteers. If you want to see ethical government in politics and a better future for all please consider a tax deductible donation today.