G’day, I’m Owen Miller, your Fusion candidate for Wills. As a software engineer and Brunswick local, I’m throwing my hat in the ring because I believe we can build a more empathetic, sustainable and innovative society − but only if we embrace bold ideas and tackle problems at their root cause.

We’ve seen problems grow and grow as voters keep electing the same two parties who kick big problems down the road: climate, housing, mental health, innovation.

Much of our life is now at the whims of foreign tech giants. Our economy has lost its innovative spirit, and our income is dependent on digging things out of the ground, or betting on real estate.

Our governments continue to pursue GDP maximisation at the expense of our environment and our mental wellbeing.

It doesn’t have to be like this; and here are my priorities for turning it around:

🌱 Emergency Climate Action

Let’s build more pumped hydro and explore all options, even geoengineering.

🪙 Universal Basic Income

Solve the cost-of-living crisis at the root level by giving everyone enough money to live a basic life. Give people a safety net as they retrain in new industries or start their own ventures that bring fulfillment and economic empowerment. It’s not as crazy as you might think.

🏡 Affordable housing

Decouple housing from investing. Redirect investments to city-building and high-speed rail instead. Reduce immigration to levels we can actually handle.

🤖 Open-source Cybernetics

Let’s bring transparency and collaboration to government by embracing the best practices of the software industry. By making government systems open-source and digital-first, we’ll allow residents to see how decisions are made and even improve these processes themselves. Together, we’ll build a foundation for incredible innovation and a truly connected community.

We can dream so much bigger for Australia! Let’s start building a future that works for all of us and for our environment. Vote for innovation and empowerment. Vote Owen Miller for Wills.
